This week in my history lecture class, we continued our journey on modernism, mainly focused on Le Corbusier and his work. As modernism emphasizes on revealing the truth, honest use of materials is one of the key. "Mass and surface are the elements by which architecture manifests itself" (Corbu) Buildings' facades are nothing more than walls with holes. One of Le corbusier's design, Unite de Habitation has the entire exterior built with concrete. Noting is polished so nothing can be concealed.

His work is functionalist and socialist (influenced from the current situation/social system at the period of the time), only emphasizing on how how things cam be used. Anything which is not necessary will not be included in his design. For example, his roof has to be flat not only because it is a clean simple design but it also carries another task which is to serve domestic purposes like gardening or relaxation.

His pilotis are as smallest and slenderest possible. Furthermore as mentioned before that his work is also socialist, Corbu tried to establsh some kind of a new idea to change human living behaviour. Unite de Habitation is identicle on the outside. Every unit is equal on the inside. Corbusier's support system, the pilotis, have to be spaced out regularly and precisely calculated.
Economically and theoretically the idea works. It probably worked so fine at that moment (after WWI and during the great depression decade). The least amount of material use helped save the cost, making housing affordable. Environment and surroundings have effects on people's behaviour. So by making everything equal and the same, personally, even though it looks clean and organized but it was too ideal. Take La Defense for example.

Though it creates (or forces) a sense of community and clear functional zoning, the high rise blocks for me almost anonymized the residents. Basically his design did not reduce only materials structure or the overall design but perhaps it reduce d human's value and freedom also. In fact coming to think about the whole city turning into the Unite de Habitation, I see the new issue of boring cityscape which might tire people's eyes. Lastly, the material use, because it was the 'simple clear minimalist' design with concrete and glass which is meant to reveal the truth (only?), the units weren't comfortable to live in (thermal comfort).
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